Been through more than your fair share of heartbreaks? Tired of it never working out? Don’t understand why this keeps happening and why you seem to never win in love? Want to get back out there but are TERRIFIED you’ll fail… again? Beeeeen there! I can help, sis!
I will be hosting a Complete Healing From Heartbreak How-To Workshop on Saturday, January 7th, 2-3:30pm EST. ON ZOOM Listen. I know all too well how hard and deep that pain from losing love can hit. But I also know that there is amazing and beautiful life waiting on the other side of it. I would love to share stories of a few sassy women of the Bible and how they bounced back after their painful experiences and how you can too! I will teach you a few mindset moves that will help you heal and forge your new path in love.
This workshop is for you if you’re…
-you’re not sure how to make peace with the heartbreaks in your past.(Why did that happen to me? What does it mean?)
-over the person, but not necessarily the pain they caused.
-always saying that you’ve given up on love, but secretly hopeful things could turn around.
-ready to have the kind of love you’ve dreamed of forever.
Let’s get you on a path to your ultimate happiness! Heartbreak DOES NOT get the final say: You do!
Register for free. See you there!
-Coach Arionne Yvette
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