I want to write words and share stories that evoke meaningful life reflection and conjure imagination. I want to inspire, uplift, encourage education.
Get to know my stories.

Women of the Bible and You
A weekly Devotional “Join the inspirational women of the Bible on a weekly journey of devotion. The Women of the Bible and You examines the stories of female Biblical figures both big and small, so you can take a moment from your busy ...

Love Like I've Never Been Hurt
How to heal from heartbreak "In love there no guarantees. Life is not always fair and love does not always work. But what are the strategies of healing? Where is the route to recovery? How do we carefully learn the lessons, heal the hurt, ....

Speaking Truth
Women Raising their voice in prayer “Women are fierce and fed-up, and they have been joining hands together for the purposes of societal change for as long as there has been injustice. Women of faith are guided by the Holy Spirit to work together to bring down these injustices ...
Published Articles
The Christian Recorder
- The Christian Recorder – “Where Do We Go From Here? Black Christian Folks and the Assault on the U.S. Capitol
- The Christian Recorder – “The Place of Prayer”
- The Christian Recorder – “Looking For God’s Transformation In All The Right Places”
- The Christian Recorder – “It’s Above Me Now: Self-Care in the Ongoing Fight For Justice”
- The Christian Recorder- “Through The Eyes Of Elmina: Lessons From Ghana’s Slave Castle”
For Harriet
Duke University Faith And Leadership
- Faith And Leadership – “Let’s Stop Trying To Convert Racism Deniers”
- Faith And Leadership – “It’s Not The Church’s Job To Decide Who Belongs”
A.M.E. Zion Church Quadrennial Curriculum

To 10 Reasons You MUST STOP living in the Past!
What kind of relationship do you have with your past? Is it healthy? Take a look at this list below and see if you any

Getting Unstuck! So you can write (& LIVE!) your next best chapter!
Listen. Heartbreak ain’t no joke. And if you’re on this page, and you follow me, then I know you’ve probably lived long enough to experience

FREE Heal Your Heartbreak HOW- TO Workshop! Live on Zoom
Been through more than your fair share of heartbreaks? Tired of it never working out? Don’t understand why this keeps happening and why you seem

Love Like I’ve Never Been Hurt Before: Blessed Through The Pain (VINTAGE POST)
This post is from my original blog Ari Speaks and was the inspiration for my 1st book! I published this 10 years ago and it’s

Best Way To Get Healed From A Heartbreak? Ask God.
Prayer still works. “You do not have, because you do not ask.” – James 4:2b Have you ever flat out asked God to heal some

Join the #BeChillChallenge
Welcome family! If you’re here it’s likely because you signed up for the #BeChillChallenge. (If you have NO IDEA what I’m talking about, keep reading