This ain't ya mama's Bible study
iSlay Bible Study Experience is a contemporary, fresh, and raw engagement with the biblical text, giving women space to laugh, learn, leap forward and go deeper in our faith—together. It is for the fiercest, most fabulous of women who want to have real conversations about the place where their life experiences meet the purposes and power of our incredible God!. “Won’t She do it?” And by the way, here, God is “She,” “He”, “They”, “Them.” God is Spirit. God is love. God loves us. God helps and heals us. God sets us FREE! Blessed be the name of our God! Pardon my praise break!
iSlay is for contemporary Christian women who want to slaaaaaay in every aspect of their lives—faith, love, family, work, legacy—and are ready for God to show them how! iSlay Bible Study promotes the divine practices of sisterhood, authenticity, open-mindedness, spiritual growth, creativity, and joy! And if that feels like your jam, then the iSlay Bible Study Experience IS FOR YOU!
Click here for more detailed information on this year’s iSlay Bible Study: Freedom Fighters and Justice Seekers Edition, March 14, 21, 28th!
From the beginning…
Wondering how did all this get started? With Beyonce. It always starts with Beyonce. Read the full story of how Beyonce’s surprise drop of her smash hit “Formation” inspired this remix on bible study!

Check out my appearance on KCUR’s (NPR affiliate) discussing Beyonce’s Lemonade:
Inspired By A Beyonce Song, Kansas City Woman Starts Bible Study Group” – KCUR

The iSlay Bible Study Experience is a fresh, innovative, interactive approach to biblical study uniquely designed to teach biblical truth primarily to contemporary women. We call it an experience because it is a glorious gathering of faithful women who are yearning for a moment with God, inspired through the communal, liberative, study of God’s word.
iSlay Bible Study Experience is committed to:
- centering the voices, stories, and experiences, of women, especially women of color, in biblical study
- developing lesson content shaped and informed by faithful biblical exegesis, prioritizing the use of womanist and feminist scholarship
- creative use of technology and virtual platforms in order to achieve optimal reach
- promoting a spirit of community and Christian fellowship amongst participants
- encouraging the spiritual, economic, and emotional growth and empowerment of its membership
- serving the present age by contemporizing the study of the Bible, and drawing connections to the intersections of race, gender, faith, and politics
Past iSlay Bible Studies
iSlay Lesson One: Queen Esther
This unlikely shero slays by walking courageously into unknown territory and embracing her life’s purpose. Text: Esther 1-10
iSlay Lesson Two: Queen Vashti
This blessed rebel rouser and early womens’ activist, preserves her dignity and teaches us that “no” is a complete sentence. Text: Esther 1-2:1
iSlay Lesson Three: Jael
In a radical role reversal, Jael literally slayed King Sisera and ensured a mighty victory for Israel. Text: Judges 4-5 (iSlay Lesson Three: Jael (Part II)
iSlay Lesson Four: The Shulamite in the Song of Solomon
The Shulamite woman shows us how to boldly and unapologetically pursue our hearts’ deepest passions. She is our life coach, cheerleader, therapist, girlfriend, and trusted guide in creating a life we love! Text: Song of Songs 1-8
iSlay Lesson Five: Mary (Part I)
Learn how Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, silenced the noise and demands of her environment, prioritized self-care and made space for God to nurture her spirit— and how you can too! Text: John 10:38-42 (iSlay Lesson Five: Mary (Part II)

You: “How can I sign up? I want this soul-shaping, sisterhood-centered faith-filled experience!!!!”
Me: “Might I suggest something… custom?”
I am happy to facilitate a Customized iSlay Bible Study Experience for your church group, youth group, book club, sorority, service organization, a casual gathering of homegirls or family, or whatever conglomeration of folks you represent. We can create a single-session or multi-week study which I will design and facilitate based on your needs and learning goals. We can also formulate this into a 1-2 day conference-style experience. We can build in copies of my books, Sunday sermons, and more into your package. We will be as creative and expansive as possible in our vision and will pursue excellence in the execution. Ready to book? Want to learn more? Complete my Book Me form and let’s get started!
You can also participate in my occasional virtual offerings of the iSlay Bible Study Experience. In fact, we have a new one loading shortly: “iSlay Bible Study: Freedom Fighters and Justice Seekers Edition.” This time we will focus on notions of God and Justice, Jesus As A Freedom Fighter, and the Spirit Sending Us Forth To Serve. Spaces are limited. Sign up NOW! It’s free!!!
Can’t wait until then? No prob, love! Click here to watch vintage videos of our first-ever iSlay Bible Study: Secrets of the Savvy Successful Women of the Bible! It was A SMASHING success. We had the best time. Gems were dropped. Hearts were pricked. Love was shared. Participation EXPLODED. Oh and at least ONE BUSINESS was launched from it. Go Jesus. What a BLESSING it was!
Whatever you choose, know this. Sis, you are FREAKING AMAZING. It’s high time you let the world see just how much! God is ready to do some awesome things in and through YOU! Join the experience.